Singing Guide: Peter Furler

Singing Guide: Peter Furler

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Peter Furler, born in 1966, is a lead vocalist, percussionist, and songwriter, who worked for more than 20 years in the Newsboys band. Furler’s unique vocal style consists of precise and in-tune notes, emphasized on the accentuation of the words' meaning and melody. Peter's voice creates an exceptional aural experience, that can only be described as unmistakably charming. His music is known for its high energy and potent spiritual message, which stems from his Christian faith.

To learn how to sing like Peter Furler, you must focus on enhancing your pitch accuracy, vocal range, and breath control. Peter’s expressive and precise singing ability can be emulated by perfecting your technique. The vocal exercises, such as pitch accuracy test, pitch training, and vocal range test on Singing Carrots, will help you through that goal.

Another essential aspect is to focus on mastering the nuances of the language corresponding with the song's lyrics. For example, when Peter Furler sings "It is You," he emphasizes the pronunciations of the words that must be stressed to create the desired effect. To achieve a resemblance to Peter's singing style, one must, therefore, work on techniques that improve your articulation and vowel shaping. Find out more about articulation from the Articulation blog post.

You can practice songs like "Something Beautiful," "In Wonder," and "I Love Your Ways," that showcase his unique vocal style while utilizing various vocal techniques like vibrato, chest voice, and falsetto. Singing Carrots have a comprehensive search engine that sorts songs by vocal range, difficulty, and genre preference, enabling you to find and practice songs that match your level.

To make the most out of your singing practice, pay attention to Singing Carrots' articles, particularly How to analyze your voice, which explains how you can assess your singing skills to identify areas you need to work on. Breathing basics, breath support, and avoiding constrictions are all essential techniques to study to sing as Furler does.

In conclusion, the key to singing like Peter Furler is to train using techniques that enhance pitch accuracy, vocal range, breath control, perfecting your technique, and articulation while focusing on mastering the nuances of the language corresponding with the song's lyrics. Practice songs that showcase his unique vocal style and pay attention to Singing Carrots' articles, exercises, and videos. Good luck, sing with intuition, skills, emotion, and thinking, which are all important aspects of singing, as stated in the blog post.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.